These Website Terms and Conditions will apply to: (A) Your Use Of Our Website; (B) Our Supply Of Products And Services; and (C) Our Contact With You.

This World of Wellness By Jonas Hedqvist AB website (“Website”) is owned and operated by The World Of Wellness By Jonas Hedqvist AB  (”WOW”, “we”, “us”, “our”) a company registered in Sweden with its Registered Office at Gustav Adolfstorg 41, 211 39 Malmö, which trades under a number of brands. 

Please ensure that you review all of the following sections of our Website Terms and Conditions carefully before using our Website – your use of and access to any page or part of our Website indicates that you agree to comply with and be bound by all of these terms and conditions.

If you do not agree to our Website Terms and Conditions you will not be permitted to access or use our Website.


Authorised Use

You may only use this Website:

  • for your own personal, non-commercial use only (which will at all times be reasonable and not abusive); or
  • to obtain information on, check the suitability and availability of our products and services; or
  • for purposes legitimately connected with purchasing our products and services; or
  • to access or retrieve your travel information and/or booking data, manage your preferences or to get into contact with us about your bookings or travel arrangements; or
  • submit and share your views, reviews and comments on our products and services.

Non-Authorised Use

You agree that you shall not:

  • access, extract, use or copy any material or information on this Website for any commercial purpose or for any purposes which are unlawful. In particular, you are not allowed to copy (whether by printing off, storing on disk or in any other way), distribute (including distributing copies), alter or tamper with in any way or use any material contained in this Website except that you may print off any individual page for your own personal use; or
  • use this Website in a way that causes or may cause an infringement of the rights of any other party or which breaches any standards, regulations or codes published by any relevant authority; or
  • use this Website in any way that interferes with or affects the performance of the Website or our systems or which interferes in any way with other users use of the Website; or
  • gain, or attempt to gain, any unauthorised access to our Website, our other systems and/or to the personal data, information or booking data of other users and customers; or
  • make any unauthorised, false or fraudulent reservation on this Website.

Ownership And Use Of Material And Information On Our Website

This Website displays registered and unregistered intellectual property such as brands, designs, data, content, copyright material and trademarks, with rights in Sweden and other countries and which belong to us or to companies which have been licensed to us. Other product and company names mentioned and third party content displayed on this Website are proprietary to their respective owners. You are not licensed to use any of the marks on our Website unless written permission is granted, and you may not meta tag any of these marks.

Unless otherwise stated, we own (or are licensed to use) the intellectual property rights in the content and information in this Website, including (without limitation) all text, sound, photographs, images, logos, videos, maps, podcasts, blogs, customer reviews, graphics, design, underlying source code and software. Subject to the “Authorised Use” section above, material and information, either whole or in part, from this Website may not be reproduced, copied, republished, downloaded, posted, broadcast or transmitted in any form or medium without our and/or the appropriate owner’s prior written permission.


This Website contains links to external websites operated by our selected suppliers or partners or other third party websites. Occasionally as you browse, book travel arrangements or use the functionality on this Website we may provide you with links or connect you to websites which may be our branded or third party branded sites. These links or connections are made available so you can search for and purchase additional services, find out further information on our services and your personal travel arrangements quickly and easily and find out about the products and services of our other group companies and brands. Please note that we are not responsible for nor do we endorse the content of these websites and your access and use of these websites will be subject to the terms and conditions of those websites.


Using Your Information

The information you provide to us will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


Normally when you purchase our products and/or services on this Website your agreement is with World Of Wellness By Jonas Hedqvist AB and if not we will make it clear to you that World Of Wellness By Jonas Hedqvist AB is acting as an agent or reseller.

In addition, when you book any products or services from us, you will do so subject to these Website Terms and Conditions. By proceeding with a booking, you acknowledge that you have read and understood all of the Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by them. However, if you do not or cannot accept ourTerms and Conditions in full, you must stop using our Website immediately. These Terms and Conditions may vary from time to time. By browsing this Website you accept that you are bound by the Terms and Conditions current at the time when you browse or book.

Please note that World Of Wellness By Jonas Hedqvist AB may provide accommodation, transport from a wide range of third party accommodation providers and carriers including airlines, ships and railways. The provision of these arrangements will be subject to the terms and conditions of each provider or carrier as part of your Conditions of Contract with us (either as agent for the provider or carrier or as part of our holiday package. Other holiday and travel related services such as travel insurance shall be subject to the terms and conditions of each service provider and not us. We cannot list all of the supplier’s and their terms and conditions here but you will be able to find the terms and conditions or conditions of carriage for these suppliers on their own web sites – you will need to have read them carefully before you book and/or travel.


Information About You, Data Protection, Privacy Policy and Cookies

We will store and use the information you supply us or which is supplied to us in your use of this Website (”your information”) for the purposes set out in our Privacy Policy. You will be/would have been asked to agree to our use of your information at the appropriate time. If you do not agree, we cannot interact with you or accept your booking.


These terms and conditions do not affect your statutory rights.

Updates and Changes

We may remove or make changes to the products, information, content, materials, tools and features on this Website at any time without liability and without notice to you. We also reserve the right to immediately terminate or suspend your use of or access to this Website at any time and without notice if we consider that you have breached any of our Terms and Conditions. We may also change or modify all of any parts of our Terms and Conditions at any time and such changes or modifications shall be effective immediately upon their publication. You should review these regularly to ensure you are familiar with the most up to date version. Browsing and continuing to access or use our Website constitutes your acceptance of the updated terms and conditions and you agree to by bound by the updated terms and conditions.


To the maximum extent permitted by law, we disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied by statute, custom or usage relating to the information contained in this Website and we shall not be liable for any losses or damages whatsoever, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise arising from this website, or from any interruption or delay in accessing this Website.

Governing Law

This Website has been designed for use within the EEA. By accessing this Website you are agreeing that the Courts of Sweden will deal with any disputes which may arise between you and us, and that Swedish law shall be the applicable law.

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